NPM : 16214680
Question Tag 1
They want to
come, ... ?
Answer : Don’t they ?
Elizabeth is
a dentist, ... ?
Answer : Isn’t she ?
They will
not be here, ... ?
Answer : are they ?
There aren’t
any problems, ... ?
Answer : are there ?
That is your
umbrella, ... ?
Answer : isn’t it ?
George is a
student, ... ?
Answer : isn’t he ?
You’ve never
been to Paris, ... ?
Answer : are you ?
No body
called on the phone, ... ?
Answer : did they ?
Nothing is
wrong, ... ?
Answer : are they ?
She’ll help
us later, ... ?
Answer : don’t she ?
No body
cheated on the exam, ... ?
Answer : did they ?
Those aren’t
fred’s books, ... ?
Answer : are they ?
Everyone can
learn how to swim, ... ?
Answer : don’t they ?
A story of romantic love
Sabarini, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sat, 02/12/2011 12:24 PM
Valentine: Baker Emily Jones decorates chocolate hearts at the Lake Champlain
Chocolates factory in Burlington, Vermont, on Feb. 11.AP/Toby TalbotFor many,
February is the month of romance.
Day on Feb. 14th gives people a momentum to celebrate love and express it to
their object of affection.
The classic
formula to mark the occasion usually includes a romantic dinner for two, red
roses, chocolate, candy and a greeting card. For those with more money to
spend, a holiday getaway and jewelry might come into the picture.
skeptical of the day’s hype might refuse to partake in the consumerist frenzy,
saying that love should be celebrated on any day of the year. Romantics, who
love the special occasion, meticulously plan their activities on Valentine’s
Day. And there are those who don’t mind being given a reason to be romantic [4].
But for
every type of person holding different opinions on Valentine’s Day, romantic
love is more than dinner and gifts. It is the one drug that everyone loves — as
long as it lasts. It gives people energy, sparks creativity, and makes a
besotted person incredibly focused on one’s object of affection.
love is a great motivator and a muse for art. The many poems dedicated to love
is testament to that. Love drives people to go the extra mile. The fear of
loosing love and jealousy can drive people to the worst of actions, from
stalking to murder.
kowtowing to the demands of a commercialized Valentine’s Day, The Jakarta Post
asked people what they did when driven by this intense emotion, and what their
perception of romantic love was.
answered they wanted an everlasting relationship. A happily married mother of
one said love was an illusion, referring to the roles of dopamine and serotonin
in our brains. Others say they believe in love in a metaphysical manner. And an
editor-cum-artist dreams of a noncommittal everlasting love.
The feisty,
25-year-old Bali-based editor Annisa Dharma said romance or the feeling of
infatuation drives her to “assemble beautiful words that woo”. It had also
driven her to make what she called “grand gestures”.
“I’ve moved
countries for a boy. I’ve made a song for a boy [5].
I’ve created art for a boy. I’ve let go of my ambition for a boy,” she said.
Annisa said
her actions were driven by romance [6].
“I think
romance is more of a language. Romance and love don’t go hand in hand,” she
I can’t be romantic to someone I truly love, and likewise, when I don’t love a
person, I can be the most romantic person ever.”
However if
she really loves someone, she would not do anything to hurt or harm herself.
“Because I’d trust them with all my heart,” she said.
Annisa added
she would want love to last forever. “Thus, no commitments…Free and
She however
would not mind getting married “if I found the right one, in which the
relationship didn’t change regardless of the married status. That would mean
getting married purely as an act of romance… which is fine,” she said.
28-year-old Yolanda Nirmala, love has such a powerful effect on her it made her
think twice
about her religion and chose to live without it. She said she found peace as an agnostic.
about her religion and chose to live without it. She said she found peace as an agnostic.
“Would it
makes sense to you if I told you that being in love once led to me being
agnostic? That’s how powerful love is in my life,” she said.
Coming from
a conservative Muslim family, Yolanda fell in love with a man who had a
Catholic upbringing. She was in her early 20s, in college; meanwhile, her
partner was in his early thirties.
families disapproved of their relationship because they came from different
faiths. They continued to date in secret for fear of being separated [7].
She and her
partner devised a plan to elope to Singapore and live abroad. They started to
save up money for their planned future together.
During this
time, she started to question religion.
“I started
to lose my faith in religion. I started to ask myself: ‘What is the point of
religion have if it used to hate other people?’ Because of a different religion,
one can hate and stay away from others?”
Life sent
her on another path, Yolanda said, as her boyfriend was killed in a car
accident in their two years of relationship.
“I was sad
as sad can be. But the thing that didn’t die with him, was me being an
agnostic,” she said. “I don’t feel there is a strong reason to fit in boxes
that separate people.”
29-year-old Ramdan Sudrajat, love has made him do things he never imagined he
could do.
“I cleaned
my girlfriend’s father’s behind when he was ill after having a stroke,” he
“I even
surprised myself. I have never even seen my own father naked. That’s the power
of love,” he said.
relationship with his girlfriend eventually fizzled. That was around 2006 he
said, and he was over it.
“Failure is
normal. Even though I regret the decision to break up. I still remember her as
a part of the story of my life,” he said.
“I think
love is when you put your trust and hope in someone whom you wish to be your
life companion and who will be by your side until you get old,” he said.
While Ramdan
is looking to forge a lasting relationship soon, Yolanda said she was not in a
rush and was looking for a mature relationship, with a solid long-term plan.
“If a guy says sweet things to me such as ‘I like you’ or something similar,
until he proves it I would say it’s bulls**t,” she said. And until she finds
that love, she is happy with casual dates.
Ferrari, 33, a mother and a singer, has a very rational perspective on romantic
love. She believes it is an illusion, and the emotion comes from a combination
neurotransmitters in the brain.
“In reality,
[most] humans whether they realize it or not are self-centered,” she said. “For
me, the deepest and craziest [thing one can do] for ‘love’ is to keep it
She believes
a committed relationship occurs when two people agree to want to “know” their
“The ‘want’
is full of conflict. And often it becomes a drama, just like sinetron,” she
said. Maria added there was no time frame in getting to know one’s partner.
“Because humans are dynamic,” she went on.
Despite her
rational perspective, Maria enjoys being infected with the emotions.
“Being high
and low is exciting. Because [sometimes] that is what people look for. So life
doesn’t feel that bland,” she said.
have explained love through neuroscience. A professor of Neuroscience in Emory
University in Atlanta, Georgia, Larry Young. wrote in scientific journal
Nature, that love could be explained by a series of neurochemical events in a
specific area of the brain. From his research Young finds that oxytocin levels
in the brain may enhance humans ability to form trusting relationships.
anthropologist Helen Fisher states that different neurotransmitters such as
testorerone, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin have roles in the phases of
romantic love, which are lust, attraction and attachment. In her articles,
Fisher wrote that when someone faces rejection, the body goes into protest and
also a renewed passion that she coined “frustration attraction”, which results from
the prolong effect of dopamine.
To cope with
all the highs and lows of love, Maria suggested being conscious of all these
advice from meditation teacher, she said: “Consciously enjoy everything, and
Penjelasan :
1. And there
are those who don’t mind being given a reason to be romantic [4].
Passive Voice di atas masuk kedalam bagian Present Continous.
2. I’ve made a
song for a boy [5].
Passive Voice di atas masuk kedalam bagian Simple Present.
3. Annisa said her actions were driven by romance [6].
Passive Voice di atas masuk kedalam bagian Simple Past.
4. They continued to date in secret for fear of being separated [7].
Passive Voice di atas masuk kedalam bagian Present Continous.
5 Contoh kalimat active voice menjadi
passive voice
· Active : He had been meeting them.
Passive : They had been being met
by him.
Active : She had been watering
this plant.
Passive : This plant had been
being watered by her.
· Active : He will be meeting them.
Passive : They will be being met
by him.
Active : She will be watering
this plant.
Passive : This plant will be
being watered by her.
Active : He has met them
Passive : They have been met by